It is Time for the Jedi to End: Several Thousand Words about Star Wars (and a few about Postmodernism)

There's been quite a bit of hubbub about The Last Jedi out there on those internets since even before the movie released. Much has been made of Mark Hamill's misgivings about the direction the story took Luke Skywalker. Based on its Rotten Tomatoes score, critics love the film while audiences (at least audiences motivated to …

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Now, for the first time ever, my Awards Eligibility!

It's that time of year again, when writers toot our little horns to let the speculative fiction community know what (if any) stories we have out there that are eligible for awards. And now, for the first time ever, I actually have an eligible story! This was the year of my first professional publication, "The …

Continue reading Now, for the first time ever, my Awards Eligibility!